Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 8 - Amazing! Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Western Wall Tunnels, The Upper Room and The Garden Tomb!!

The view of the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives

VERY OLD olive trees in the Garden of Gesthemane

 Pastor Rick teaching at the Garden of Gesthemane

 A better picture of the Temple - the sun was out!!

The Western Wall

 Prayers stuck in the wall...

 The Courtyard at the Temple 

 The nearest wall stone to the Temple Mount - thanks to excavation!

 Original Herodian Stone from the original Western Wall (notice the chisel work)
Each wall stone is 40-45 ft long and 15 ft long.  Weighs something like over 100 elephants!

Golgatha - The Place of the Skull (where the crucifixion occurred)  Do you see it in the rock?

 Inside the tomb of Jesus

 The outside of the tomb

 Pastor Rick and Erin outside of the Garden Tomb

Here is the tomb!  Guess what...it's still empty!


  1. thank God it is still empty. Huh! Thank you very much for all the pictures. Very enthralling. God Bless, Randal

  2. The mount of olives looking down on the city was my favorite place!
